Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slightly Pink Tinged Cm Period

Table: Improving abs

INTRODUCTION abdominal training is one of the major purposes of the athletes and daily exercisers. To achieve these objectives, the individual tends to perform varied and extensive repetitions of abdominal exercises. But among these various exercises are usually contraindicated exercises in physical activity. One of the most common myths in the abdominal training is to think that these help us to reduce localized fat around the abdomen. It should be noted that any exercise causes loss of body fat in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The loss of body fat is evenly in the body and is produced more by aerobic training, caloric expenditure during exercise and / or caloric intake based on the needs of each individual.

In these times there have been many devices and exercise equipment designed by manufacturer to achieve abdominal development desired by many. But some of these devices tend to produce action the main abdominal muscle.

The benefits obtained through a proper training for the abdominals are improvements and reductions in the risk of back pain in the lumbar area.


To know that we are training properly this area need to know where they are located and abdominal movements they produce. To explain more clearly take the example of the biceps. This, we know that the extension movement is mostly produced by these muscles. The same happens with the muscles of the abdominal region, where every muscle that composes produce a particular stock.

Among the abdominal muscles have the rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique and transversus abdominis. All these muscles begin at the rib area and end in the pelvis. The rectus abdominis muscle can bring the ribs to the pelvis and the pelvis toward the chest. The internal and external obliques produce lateral flexion of the spine and spinal rotation, and help to bend the torso.

The importance of understanding these muscle functions is that in many cases is usually to use the hip flexor muscles (can bend legs) to strengthen abs. And according to studies for a proper abdominal training should inhibit the action of these muscles for abdominal strengthening. The use of these muscles (hip flexors) in most cases the arch the lumbar spine, causing damage in this area. ORDER

abdominal exercises

abdominal training should maintain order in order to achieve a steady upgrading of the entire abdominal area. This is not to strain the first abdominal area than another of least resistance, which would lead to other areas not train to its maximum.

An investigation conducted in Stafford University for four years found that there are weak spots than others and that there are muscles in the region working together. For example when training the obliques we're working the rectus abdominis as has participation in the movements of the obliques. Therefore

establishing an order to prevent muscle fatigue earliest at the top which usually have greater endurance than the lower and lateral. The recommended order is the training of the lower rectus in the first instance. Followed by exercises focused on the side of the abdominal area and ultimately what we commonly are first building the upper abs.

some abdominal exercises lower

Area 1. Bend legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the body and knees parallel to the body at 90 degrees. Then move the knees to the chest causing the pelvis to rise. Back to thoracic and cervical level MUST be in contact with the ground.

2. By completing the first phase of the first year. It makes a leg extension producing an upward movement with the hips. Then bend your legs back and get to the starting position.

Lateral area

1. In this exercise, the shoulders are stuck to the floor and bend your knees to one side. Here is flexed only the upper torso., Does not rise to the top. Motion like that of a crunch. After one side do you repeat the same exercise with the legs toward the other side.

2. With the body completely on your side makes a approaches to the hip, resulting in lateral bending.

3. Lying on your back with arms fully outstretched. To move both arms up to the side of a leg, right arm from the outside of the left leg. Then go down and there is in the same movement to the opposite side. Only raises the cervical and thoracic, lumbar area is in contact with the ground.

area top

most common exercise for strengthening this area is the so-called crunch.

Crunch - only raises the cervical and thoracic area - Do not lift the lumbar area.

Crunch with arms outstretched and legs bent open. - This exercise is like the difference crunch with arms outstretched and the raise will "pass on the inside of the legs. The lower back should remain in contact with the ground.


One of the biggest problems in the abdominal training is that it is thought that any exercise is right and will not impact future injury or serious health problems. And this is conducting a series of exercises contraindicated.

These exercises are:

1. full elevation in Situ - the lumbar spine subjected to excessive stress, lumbar intervertebral disk compression, increased lordosis.

2. Full flexion and torso rotation
Effect on intervertebral discs, can produce nerve injury lumbar puncture, blood pressure to intervertebral fibrous rings.

3. Hip flexion with knee extended. Pressure on the lumbar spine, back pain, spinal injury risk in the medium and long term, lumbar hyperextension.

4. Maximum vertebral rotation-(sideways movement with sticks or barbell) - pressure on intervertebral discs, deformation and degeneration of intervertebral discs, stretching of ligaments, muscle fascia and capsules of the facets and injury to the disc annular fibers .


abdominal exercises should not train seven days a week. With training adequate and quality for 3 to 4 times a week we achieve the desired objectives. So let him recover, rest and provide opportunity to the body to produce the necessary changes at the physiological level.

The solution to all your problems is in this Great Book published by Michael Geary, author of international bestseller, "The Truth About Abs. This book will change your methods drastically and your body will eventually be defined and a six pack abs.


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