it help to professionals for iPad iMovie 2?
Well if any of you did not connect to the internet day yesterday and has not seen the papers today, there are doing the news is announced and the iPad 2.
A news was that the operating system update of Mac laptops IOS 4.3. And the upgrade will allow the tablet to run iMovie, the video editor for fans is fairly intuitive and easy to use. Target that the filmmakers are obviously amateur but what gives this application for people who are dedicated to professional videos?
This is the question that will be doing a lot of professional filmmakers who use the technology Mac Not because they fear that some amateur work but remove them What extra features have a tablet that can record and edit it there? Outside of using it as a single fan (first communions, weddings , parties, etc.) Used for anything else?
I do not think it's for more, maybe when you're scouting (location of scenarios) is useful to take pictures or record videos but that can be done with phones. Although it does have the advantage that you can edit right there and give a brief idea of \u200b\u200bhow it could be, would quickly this stage of labor. But definitely not for the final recordings.
Why edit? I know many people who are dedicated to working with video Mac say "why we have home Mac or a Mac Book Pro" and is very true. Although the immediacy of being able to do so may expedite processes and avoid going back to the place and to continue testing. "Edit professionally? Definitely not.
The iPad can not work with external hard drives, a problem for those with recording equipment in Terabytes. So if you want high quality work will be with very short videos, and even if you use codecs to compress video well is good for most professionals because there is no video but compressed using the highest quality.
In summary, the iPad iMovie does not change the status of this software and will remain fans. The fact that a potent pill that does many things not replace processes, perhaps accelerating some (like scouting) or have spontaneous ideas can be recorded at that time (according to some phones already have), but in the end will having a general use of trivial things. Something that video professionals do not care and that this not be an important factor in choosing whether or not buy a tablet or what to buy.
Finally, I should clarify that this brief discussion also applies to video editor in the other tablets such as Motorola Xoom.
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